RGB Internet Colors
This is white (white text, FFFFFF)
This is red, FF0000
This is green, 00FF00
This is blue, 0000FF
This is magenta, FF00FF
This is cyan, 00FFFF
This is yellow, FFFF00
This is black, 000000
This is aquamarine, 70DB93
This is Baker's Chocolate, 5C3317
This is blue violet, 9F5F9F
This is brass, B5A642
This is bright gold, D9D919
This is brown, A62A2A
This is bronze, 8C7853
This is bronze II, A67D3D
This is cadet violet, 5F9F9F
This is cool copper, D98719
This is copper, B87333
This is coral, FF7F00
This is corn flower blue, 42426F
This is dark brown, 5C4033
This is dark green, 2F4F2F
This is dark green copper, 4A766E
This is dark olive green, 4F4F2F
This is dark orchid, 9932CD
This is dark purple, 871F78
This is dark slate blue, 6B238E
This is dark slate grey, 2F4F4F
This is dark tan, 97694F
This is dark turquoise, 7093DB
This is dark wood, 855E42
This is dim grey, 545454
This is dusty rose, 856363
This is feldspar, D19275
This is firebrick, 8E2323
This is forest green, 238E23
This is gold, CD7F32
This is goldenrod, DBDB70
This is grey, C0C0C0
This is green copper, 527F76
This is green yellow, 93DB70
This is hunter green, 215E21
This is indian red, 4E2F2F
This is khaki, 9F9F5F
This is light blue, C0D9D9
This is light grey, A8A8A8
This is light steel blue, 8F8FBD
This is light wood, E9C2A6
This is lime green, 32CD32
This is mandarian orange, E47833
This is maroon, 8E236B
This is medium aquamarine, 32CD99
This is medium blue, 3232CD
This is medium forest green, 6B8E23
This is medium goldenrod, EAEAAE
This is medium orchid, 9370DB
This is medium sea green, 426F42
This is medium slate blue, 7F00FF
This is medium spring green, 7FFF00
This is medium turquoise, 70DBDB
This is medium violet red, DB7093
This is medium wood, A68064
This is midnight blue, 2F2F4F
This is navy blue, 23238E
This is neon blue, 4D4DFF
This is neon pink, FF6EC7
This is new midnight blue, 00009C
This is new tan, EBC79E
This is old gold, CFB53B
This is orange, FF7F00
This is orange red, FF2400
This is orchid, DB70DB
This is pale green, 8FBC8F
This is pink, BC8F8F
This is plum, EAADEA
This is quartz, D9D9F3
This is rich blue, 5959AB
This is salmon, 6F4242
This is scarlet, 8C1717
This is sea green, 238E68
This is semi-sweet chocolate, 6B4226
This is sienna, 8E6B23
This is silver, E6E8FA
This is sky blue, 3299CC
This is slate blue, 007FFF
This is spicy pink, FF1CAE
This is spring green, 00FF7F
This is steel blue, 236B8E
This is summer sky, 38B0DE
This is tan, DB9370
This is thistle, D8BFD8
This is turquoise, ADEAEA
This is very dark brown, 5C4033
This is very light grey, CDCDCD
This is violet, 4F2F4F
This is violet red, CC3299
This is wheat, D8D8BF
This is yellow green, 99CC32
Comments or questions should be addressed to
Dr. Michael A. Russell
Department of Chemistry
Mt. Hood Community College
Gresham, Oregon 97030
Last Updated on December 18, 1997