Who is Jill?!
I told you about who I am in a previous section, I now need to tell you about my better half: Jill! Before we begin, I need to apologize for some mushy sentimentality... if this annoys you, this section may not be your cup of tea!
Every time I look at this picture, I realize how fortunate I am to have found someone as wonderful as Jill. The picture above is, naturally, of Jill located near Bend on a rocky old volcano... it's a personal favorite to visit.
Jill works as a yoga instructor and a speech pathologist, and she is the owner of Gresham Speech Therapy in Gresham, Oregon. My family and her family have been friends for years; this is how we met. We share many similar hobbies... life with Jill is never dull and always full of happiness and adventure. My life went from "hum drum" to "hooray!" after meeting the beautiful Jill.
But we did not rest on the triumphs of the past; we are adventurers, and the future explodes with possibilities. We have been blessed with the addition of our son, Grayson, born in the later part of 2003. He is a delight, a constant reminder of the spontaneity of youth and all of its energies... He constantly challenges us as parents and humans, and we become richer through the adventure.
IF is the middle word of life
If you think you can, you can!
Love comes to those who love the world;
be a part of this life and your dreams will be answered.
Life is good!