This site has been inspired by the (now defunct) Mt. Hood Community College Teaching
Cooperative's "Innovation in Teaching" and "Technology" Grants.
The grants and projects include:
For the TLC: "Teaching in Second Life - Impressions: Thoughts and Lessons Learned During Five Quarters of Teaching Experiments in Second Life"
- The Report submitted on June 3, 2009
TLC Grant: "Applications of Laboratory Video to Learning Environments - Creating Laboratory Videos to Enhance Student Learning"
(co-authored with Valory Thatcher)
The TLC proposal submitted on January 22, 2007
- The TLC Progress Report submitted on May 16, 2007
TLC Grant: "Creating Enhanced Podcast Virtual Lectures - Using Enhanced Podcasts and PowerPoint to Deliver Online Modular Lectures"
The TLC proposal submitted on December 5, 2005
The completed work submitted on June 2, 2006
TLC Grant: "Dance to Your Own Drummer - Creating Original Music Using Soundtrack and GarageBand" The TLC proposal submitted on June 1, 2004
- The completed work submitted on December 13, 2004
- A chemistry example of density using original audio in PowerPoint and a Web module: PowerPoint (300 kb), MPEG4 (3.7 Mb)
- A kiosk-style PowerPoint presentation with original audio: PowerPoint (9.2 Mb), MPEG4 (3.2 Mb)
Examples of original audio (all files MP3 format):
TLC Grant: "Listen To Me! - Creating Audio for PowerPoint and the Web"
- The TLC Proposal submitted on June
8, 2001.
- An addendum submitted
in late June for the proposal.
- The completed work submitted
on November 19, 2001
- A sample website created for this
work which combines text based learning with audio sound bites
(sound card required.)
- A PowerPoint
movie highlighting the usage of a low memory sound loop during
a kiosk-style presentation (Microsoft
PowerPoint and a sound card required.)
TLC Grant: "Maximizing
the Power of PowerPoint
in the Classroom"
(co-authored with Dr. Walter Shriner)
- The TLC Proposal submitted
on December 1, 2000
- The completed paper submitted on May
21, 2001
- The handout distributed at the
public lecture on May 25, 2001
- A Brochure entitled "Creating
Effective PowerPoint Presentations - Tips for Instructors at Mt. Hood
Community College" created for the grant
TLC Grant: "Beyond the Internet Syllabus"
- The TLC Proposal submitted on October
15, 1999
- The completed paper submitted
on January 24, 2000
- The handout available at the February
28, 2000 lecture
Questions about this material should be addressed to
Dr. Michael A. Russell,
Professor of Chemistry at
Mt. Hood Community College
Gresham, Oregon, USA 97030
Last Updated on February 23, 2011